Two tips for young men who need business suits for their corporate job interviews

If you plan to apply for several corporate roles, then you will probably be expected to wear a business suit to each of the interviews you attend. If this is the case and you've never had to buy or wear a business suit before, you might find the tips here useful.

Get a business suit that can be worn with several different shirt colours

When applying for some corporate roles, you may, after attending your first interview, be asked to come back for a second and third interview. If this happens and you cannot afford to buy several different business suits for each of these interviews, then you should ensure that the one business suit you buy will look good with multiple shirts or tie colours (as even if you're on a budget, you can easily pick up inexpensive shirts or ties in secondhand stores or in discount clothing shops). For example, it might be a good idea to buy a navy suit, as this would look good with white, light blue and very pale lavender shirts, as well as ties that are navy, light blue, grey or dark green.

The reason you should do this is that if you wear the exact same outfit (i.e. same suit, shirt, tie and shoes) to all of these interviews with the same company, the people interviewing you might notice this and view it as you not caring enough to put together a different outfit for each of these meetings. If however, at each interview, you wear the same suit with a flattering shirt and tie combination that is completely different from the one you wore at the previous interview, you will look like you're wearing a whole new outfit, and the interviewers who are appearance-focused will see and hopefully be impressed by the fact that you've made the effort to create a new and smart-looking ensemble each time.

Assess the suit's cleanliness after each interview

If you'll be wearing this business suit to multiple interviews that will be held in quick succession (meaning you won't have time to take the suit to the dry cleaners in between these interviews), then it's important to assess its cleanliness after each of these meetings. Whilst you might think that a suit could not get too dirty during an interview, this is not actually true. If for example, being interviewed makes you nervous and feeling nervous makes you perspire, you may find that sweat stains form on your suit jacket's underarms and on its back during each interview. Likewise, if you have to cycle or walk home from these interviews and you step in a puddle or walk through wet grass, you might get mud on your suit trousers.

Even if your business suit is beautifully made, wearing it won't impress the interviewers if it's covered in sweat stains or mud. As such, you should handwash your suit jacket if you come across any stains after an interview and use a drop of detergent on a damp cloth to spot-clean any mud stains on the trousers. Additionally, you should give the suit a once-over with a garment steamer or iron to ensure any wrinkles that formed whilst you were sitting in it during the previous interview are removed before your next one.

To learn more, contact a resource that provides business suits.
